My Family

My Family
What if you woke up tomorrow with only those you thankded God for tonight. Thank you God form my amazing family.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

up and blogging again

Well I have decided that it is time to blog again and keep those of you that are following up to date on my adventures of a stay at home mom, you know a professional know it all.  Haha!!  Any hoo, School has been back for 6 or 8 weeks and I have still not found a job of any kind.  I did finally receive my Masters Degree diploma.  Not as rewarding as I thought the feeling would be.  To be honest I liked graduating with my bachelors best.  My parents even threw me a graduation party for that.  I did have some really great friends that gave me soem great gifts this time around but no big party.  Anyways, that was kind of the deciding factor on any more schooling for me.... whats the pointt if you don't get a fun party.

Tanner, my dear 7th grade son, decided he would try his hand at middle school football this year and it has been quite fun.  I like the fact that we are busy in the afternoons which eliminates the need to monitor the tv watching time! Most days by the time we get home and get dinner and homework done it is past bedtime.  This week he has his last game and I will kind of miss it.  He will be back at karate though.  Wonder if he remembers any of his forms? 

Abigail has once again decided to give dance a shot.  She wanput my foot down and say this save it for middle school.  I am just not the competition cheer mom needed for that sport.  She is taking hip hop, ballet, tap and jazz.  She makes a very cute dancer and will probably be very good at it.  We are hoping to find somewhere for her gymnastics teacher to giver her lessons again.  One of the bad things about living in a SMALL town.

I have recently decided to dedicate one day a week to crafts so I can get back to doing something that I really LOVE....  So far I have painted a christmas canvas and made a pretty cool pumpkin wreath.  I will post pictures tonight.  I am hoping to get a crucut machine soon and have some really cool ideas for gifts.  I have become addicted to the boards and love looking at all the diy projects. 

Until later....

" What if you woke up tomorrow morning with only the things (people) you thanked GOD for tonight"  -- unknown

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